Investigación Clínica Old

In Centro de Investigación Clínica CIC we have developed different clinical studies for the pharmaceutic industry in areas of Gynecology, Endocrinology, Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Neurology, Psychiatry, Pneumology, Dermatology, Urology and Rheumatology.

We participate in the search of better treatments for diseases like hypertension, diabetes, migraine, osteoporosis, depression, Parkinson, and many others, not only for adults but, in some cases, for children too.

Also, we have participated in research for the development of new vaccines for human papillomavirus (HPV) and COVID-19.

We are known for being one of the centers with the highest number of included patients and with a high percentage of adherence until the study ending.

We generate benefits for the scientific community and general population through a human and ethical attention, in charge of a committed and qualified collaborators’ team.

Research Areas

Estudios activos

In this moment we are working in these studies:


  • Chronic cough


  • Insuficiencia cardíaca crónica
  • Hipercolesterolemia
  • Chronic cough and urinary incontinence 

  • Alopecia areata


Estudios realizados


  • Virus del Papiloma Humano

  • COVID-19


  • Lungs’ cancer

  • Solid tumors


  • Influenza

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)


  • Insuficiencia cardíaca crónica

  • Chronic cough and urinary incontinence

  • Cáncer de cuello uterino

  • Osteoporosis

  • Children’s osteoporosis

  • Dislipidemia


  • Renal insufficiency and metabolic acidosis

  • Diabetes melitus


  • Migaña en niños.


  • Alopecia areata


  • Depresión

  • Artritis Psoriácica
  • Artritis Reumatoidea

We are ready to support your research

We have a high quality and with a great trajectory team of collaborators, prepared for your research development.

What is clinical research or medical study?

Un estudio clínico es un tipo de investigación que se utiliza para que los médicos e investigadores confirmen si un medicamento es seguro y funciona bien para una afección médica particular. Les brinda a los investigadores la posibilidad de explorar si un tratamiento tiene efectos secundarios y funciona mejor que el tratamiento estándar. Los resultados de estos estudios pueden proporcionar oportunidades para encontrar mejores tratamientos para otras personas en el futuro. 

La participación es totalmente voluntaria. Los participantes pueden abandonar el estudio en cualquier momento y por cualquier motivo después de analizarlo con el médico del estudio.

¿Cómo se realiza una Investigación Clínica?

After years of basic studies (test in laboratories and animals) of certain components, advanced technology equipment and careful observation of what could be useful for prevention or treatment of some diseases, the humans are involve in the tests. investigación básica (pruebas en laboratorio y animales, entre otros) de una sustancia o equipos de tecnología avanzada, y de que se ha observado que pueden ser útiles para la prevención o tratamiento de alguna enfermedad, se pasa a realizar los estudios en personas.

First it begins with a small sampling of humans, selected from near the enterprise in where the animal research were done, after this tests the component is approved of being safety and useful for humans, but it still in a perfection of details stage and the process continues in selecting specialized countries places of investigation certified and skilled with a medical, pharmaceutical and ethical personal of quality, to apply minutely the Clinical Studies or Research Protocols proposed, to be carried out with dedication and surveillance in every patient that decides to participate.

Centro de Investigación Clínica CIC is one of them.

Why are clinical studies important?

Thanks to them, each day we can have more and better technologies and treatments to prevent, diagnose and treatment of many diseases like vaccines to avoid infections that can turn into cancer (human papillomavirus), new diagnoses methods which improve many cancers patients’ life’s quality, and many others.

What does it mean to participate as a volunteer in a clinical study?

To develop the clinical studies people who check some requirements are required, who have interest, time, and good disposition to contribute to the development of new knowledge which help ours and future generations’ health.

Each person decides voluntarily to initiate the process of a research study, and in the first visit the person will be informed through a document called “informed consent” with clarity and amplitude of all the implications, benefits and risks to which the person will be exposed during the participation, this document will be signed voluntarily after clearing all the doubts with the researcher (doctor), also, the person will have the accompaniment of a ethical committee which supervise carefully so the rights are preserved.